Combining PLR for eBooks, Courses and More

Combining PLR for eBooks, Courses and More

When you start shopping for PLR, if you think that you must find a fully complete product that looks just like you want it to as a finished product, but you don’t. Instead, you can find sections and portions of the overall program you want to create and then mix and...
Quickly Create Low-Cost Products From PLR

Quickly Create Low-Cost Products From PLR

One of the most profitable and fun things you can do for your business with PLR is to create low-cost products and get them out there to your customers quickly. You can create products from PLR fast and easily if you know in advance who your ideal customer is, the...
Are You Monetizing Your PLR? Adding a CTA

Are You Monetizing Your PLR? Adding a CTA

When you set up the editing process for your PLR, one of the things you’ll need to do is make sure you’re monetizing your content. To monetize, all you need to do is know what you want your audience to do next and tell them to do it. This is your call to action...