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Cindy “Priiincesss” Lafalaise

Cindy aka “Priiincesss” is the model of consistency. Man, when I tell yall my boo works. She werks!! She always has a beautiful smile for everyone. Cindy is my photographer and every time I’m in Atlanta she is eager to take my photos. She’s always my go-to for photos.

Who is Priiincesss and what is she about?
Priiincesss is the queen of consistency and she is ALL about her business. She’s definitely a badass and a fearless go-getter. She learned real early on in her career that the only way to see any level of success is to show up for herself and consistently do the work, especially days she doesn’t feel like it. Her life’s passion and purpose is to selflessly serve her clients who openly take chances on her and allow her to create her dream life. 

Tell us about your business.
I actually have 2 businesses. I am a blogger. I have been blogging since 2011. And because I took my own pictures for over 5 years, I was able to launch and run a successful photography business. I officially launched my photography career in December 2016 and I’ve been able to serve an impressive amount of women to date. I help my clients create quality content to grow their businesses. 

 What made you pursue blogging and photography?
Blogging was pretty much a hobby. I was already posting pictures of my outfits on Facebook/Instagram then I came across blogging, I started a blog and the rest is history. Back then bloggers did not have professional photographers so we had to learn how to take our own photos. And from taking my own photos I am a photographer today!!! 
What’s next for Priiincesss and the brand?
Mannn, so much is next for the Priiincesss Brand but this year I am focusing on investing. I’m working on buying my 2nd property as an investment property. I’ve been getting heavily into the stock market. And after I have master the investment game I hope to travel the world and inspire and motivate women to be consistent and show up for themselves. 

How can we connect with you?
You can find me on the blog, my photography business and on the gram as @iampriiincesss