We all utilize a form of technology in at least one aspect of our lives every single day. If you stop and think about it you are actually reading this post on a technological device of some sort right now.

Another question to also think about is who develops, implements, and secures these devices and networks you are currently using??

Ultimately, it is someone just like me and you. It’s someone who has actively chosen to pursue a career in Information Technology.

We are still in the midst of a Technology Revolution that doesn’t appear to be slowing in growth anytime soon.

Why is this important or relevant to you? Well, because frankly, this field needs YOU.

Information Technology is one of the fastest and continuously growing career fields throughout the world. According to the Bureau of Labor Statics:

“Employment of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 557,100 new jobs. Demand for these workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection, and storage of big data, and information security.” (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home.htm)

Even though Information Technology is one of the highest-paid and fastest-growing career fields for both the US and worldwide, it is lacking one very key measure in the field, gender diversification.

Even in 2019, some of the top female-dominated career fields are still healthcare providers, social workers, teachers, and childcare providers. The issue with these career fields is eventually you will find stagnant growth in promotion potential and other career opportunities because they are over-saturated career fields. The IT field needs more females in the field!!!

Many women believe also that the IT field career is a high demanding career that will stint proper work/life balances when it comes to raising children and taking care of the home. I personally believe this is a HUGE misconception about the field. If anything, I believe this field can still offer similar work/life balance abilities as much if not more in some cases than more women-driven career fields.

This realization is ultimately why, even when I vowed for 8 years I was never going back to school again, decided to pursue and obtain my Masters in Cybersecurity.

Going into the IT field does require some schooling if you have no experience in the field, but I feel that the necessity is no different than if you decide wanted to pursue being a nurse. For example, I had a friend that decided to pursue nursing school in which she ultimately had to quit her job to go back to school fulltime and do her clinical training to get certified. Don’t get me wrong, saving lives in the health care field is hard work, a necessity, but it requires you to uproot life plans and quit your job in order for you to get into the career field.

Going into IT will not force you to do that if you wish to get into the field with little to no experience.  During pursuing my masters, I was able to still work full time, take care of the home, and even have somewhat of a social life all while working on my degree. It still required a good amount of my time, but I didn’t have to uproot my life plans or quit my job to work on my degree. There are so many schools and online programs that want to work to help you get your degree without sacrificing so much to obtain it. Not to mention there are many nonprofit organizations and companies that will allow you to intern and work remotely on top of working on your degree to help you better your chances of obtaining a successful career, post-graduation.

Written by: Amanda Renee
Facebook: Glam and Geek
Photo Credit: Ivory Mix