I’m Done!

I’m Done!

Have you ever said you were done with a man but kept on dealing with him? I have so many times with one in particular narcissistic insecure individual. And that’s as nice as I can put it! Anyway, I loved this man so much I was almost willing to do anything for him...
It’s Ok to Miss Him But You Have to Move On

It’s Ok to Miss Him But You Have to Move On

This is the millionth time that I’ve said I’m done with him. I meant it this time. But after a few days, I was missing him and contemplating calling or texting. I had changed my phone number and blocked him on all my social media to make sure that I wouldn’t fall for...

Sometimes You Have to Move On

Why do we continue to allow others to mistreat and disrespect us? Especially in relationships? We allow them to step on us and treat us any kind of way. When we push back or speak on it, we’re seen as the bad person. Sometimes they go as far as to say we don’t love...

Can Love Be Bad?

Love can be one of the most exhilarating and beautiful things ever.  But it can also be ugly and manipulative. Some people say your experience with love can depend on who you’re with. Others say love is just twisted and no matter who you’re with it’s...