Networking at online events is important to building and maintaining business relationships. Networking can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time but you must prepare properly for networking at online events. I am going to share 5 tips for effective networking at online events.

Set Networking Goals

Think about what you want to get out of attending the event. Do you have a certain number of people you want to meet? Are you wanting to meet people in certain industries? Are you seeking people to possibly collaborate with? Consider these things before attending the event.

Create an Engaging Attendee Profile

Use a professional photo and share a complete profile with bio and contact information. Be sure to highlight your skills and expertise. Share unique details about you and what you do so that you can stand out.

Participate and Engage in the Discussions

Introduce yourself and be sure to respond to others that introduce themselves. Respond to any direct messages or requests for information from other attendees.

Leverage the Power of Social Media

Share that you will be attending the event on social media. Share why you’re excited and ask others if they are attending. If not, invite them to attend if it’s not a private event. After the event, you can share your takeaways and why it was a great event.

Follow-up after the Event

Don’t ghost the people you met and made connections with at the event. Be sure to follow up with them after the event. Set up virtual coffee chats or meetups to stay in touch.