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How to Make a Good First Impression with a Professional Connection

Studies show that we start to form a first impression about a person within a tenth of a second of meeting them. First impressions can have a huge impact on your professional life and future, so it’s a good idea to prepare ahead of time to make your first impression as positive as possible. If you’re prepared, it will be easier to be relaxed and you’ll make a better first impression. Scroll down and keep reading to find three simple ways to make a great first impression!

Be Confident

Confidence is a must in making a good first impression and setting yourself apart from the competition. If you’re a shy, soft-spoken, people-pleaser, it can be difficult to put yourself out there and be assertive. According to Weidel on Winning, knowing your strengths and believing that you have talent is a first step you can take to seem more confident. Maintaining comfortable eye contact and using good posture will also help you come across as more self-assured. If you’re worried about erring too much to the side of cockiness, knowing your limitations can help. Remember that although you might be talented, you still have areas to improve. You can be both humble in your speech and confident in your appearance at the same time.

Maintain a Clean Appearance

A clean appearance can go a long way for a first impression. If you are clean and well groomed, you will seem more likable and competent. As you’re preparing for your first impression, make sure to dress for the occasion. If you’re attending a casual event, dress in casual business attire. If you’re attending a more formal event, wear something more formal that can set you apart from the crowd.

Keep your hair neatly trimmed, and spend some time styling it to make it look good. Make sure you’re clean, have fresh breath, and try to smell nice. According to Murfreesboro Family Dentistry, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are great ways to naturally whiten your teeth.

Be Authentic

According to Influencive, authenticity is incredibly important for a first impression. Although it can sound cliché, being yourself will set you apart from the competition. It will help put both you and your contact at ease, and help your interaction happen more naturally. Some simple ways you can be more authentic include being honest, listening, asking questions, and being humble. As your interaction comes to a close, remember and repeat the person’s name. This will help them know you’re really invested in them personally.

Confidence, a clean appearance, and authenticity will help take your first impression-making skills from good to great. As you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too, and you will make a great first impression with many professional connections.

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