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How to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

We are all are looking forward to the new year. We’ve had some accomplishments but have endured some pain as well. We’ve learned some valuable lessons and we’re ready to do things a lot different in the new year. We want 2020 to be the best year we’ve ever had. Here are a few tips on how to make that happen.

Write the vision and make it plain

In Habakkuk 2:2, the Lord says “Write the vision and make it plain”. You can’t do anything successfully without a clear plan and vision for it. Create an intent or vision board and place it where you can see it every day.

Start your day with prayer and meditation

Spend some time alone with God or whomever you connect with on a spiritual level.
Spend some time alone meditating and becoming one with yourself. This is the best way to start your day and set intentions for the day.

Be intentional, strategic, and consistent

You have to be intentional to make ish happen. You must have a strategic plan to put those intentions into action. Your consistency will set you apart from those who aren’t. Your vision and plans for the new year will not come to fruition if you do not intentionally be consistent with your strategic plan. You must stay laser-focused.

Say no to anything that doesn’t tie into your visions or goals

If it does not align with your goals and aspirations, you must say “no”. If not you will lose focus and get off track. Your intention board is key here because as you focus on what you have on that board you will say “no” to those things that don’t line up with the intentions you have there. You have to be diligent about reaching your goals and not allowing anything or anyone to get in your way.

Support others

Supporting others in their ventures is just good karma and will certainly benefit you in the end. We are all just trying to make it in this life. It’s great to have people that you can support who may also inspire you in your journey.

Celebrate often

Who said that you have to wait until you accomplish something big to celebrate? You should celebrate often as you hit smaller milestones. Celebrating just motivates you to get to the next accomplishment.

Practice self-care

I can’t stress enough how important it is to actually do self-care. You cannot take care of anyone or anything else if you do not take care of yourself. Self-care is not an option or a luxury. It’s a must and should be practiced daily. Take time to take care of yourself.

Remember your why

When life gets hard and things seem to not be going right, your “why” is what will keep you going. It motivates you to take another step and not stop or get distracted. When life makes you take a detour, your “why” gives you the drive to do so. Keep it in the forefront of your mind and close to your heart.

Find an accountability partner or coach

We have the best intentions in the world but sometimes we need someone who can hold us accountable. We all want to slack at times but that accountability partner or coach will help get us on track. They are an invaluable resource to have and will be an integral part of your success.

Build a tribe

We are born wired for connection. We yearn for them and with the right connections, we can achieve a lot in life. Your tribe is your community of people that share some of the same interests with you and support you. They are good for your physical health and overall morale. Develop genuine connections with people who you have something in common with. You all can support each other and be that voice of reason when needed.

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