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How to Leverage Smartphones for Your Business’s Benefit

Hand holding smart phone with new message concept on screen. All screen content is designed by me

Smartphones are everywhere and used by nearly everyone. Since they are everywhere, you can use them to your advantage. Leveraging smartphones can help you reach more people and grow your business.  

Mobile Web Traffic

A majority of people prefer to view websites on their phone. It’s more convenient for them as they typically will have their phone with them at all times rather than a computer. Since sites are often viewed on phones, you need to make sure your website is mobile friendly. Having a mobile friendly site will ensure your customers have a better experience on your site and you are more likely to see conversions. To make your site mobile friendly, you should focus on the display of your site. Simple designs are best, and you want to make sure everything will translate well onto a phone screen. For example, larger text might be beneficial. Once your site is optimized to work on mobile phones, you can see more mobile web traffic.

SMS Marketing

Because of the mass use of smartphones, it’s much easier to get a hold of people. SMS marketing lets you use texting to communicate with customers, which is especially beneficial when you consider that texting is the most common form of communication for a significant portion of the population. Through SMS marketing, you can send confirmations, reminders, notifications about sales, and you can even ask for feedback. One of the many benefits of SMS marketing is everything happens much faster. Your messages are sent instantly, and they are opened and responded to very quickly.

QR Codes

A unique feature that smartphones can be used for is scanning QR codes. These codes are unique codes that can link to a variety of content. You can put QR codes on promotional material that people can scan and then be taken to your website or social media profiles. You can even link them to specific pages such as your “about” page. QR codes can be put on packaging for your products and people can scan the code and view videos about how to use or set up the product. You can also use QR codes to link to pictures relevant to your business. 

There are many wonderful things that smartphones can be used for. It’s important that you learn how smartphones can impact your business and how you can use them to your advantage. Utilizing smartphones in multiple ways will bring you even more benefits.

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