When you have a big event coming up, whether it is a conference, your wedding, or anything in between, it is important to be as confident as possible. Confidence will show your audience that you are capable and help you to feel more comfortable at the big event. Building confidence is attainable if you make it a priority and work on it for the big day.

Dress for the Occasion

According to Called to Surf, nothing gives you a quicker burst of confidence than getting dressed in something that makes you feel good and is appropriate for the occasion. If someone else is hosting the event, make sure that you know if there is any dress code and get ideas from others about what they will be wearing. If you are hosting, you get to choose, so choose a level of dress that you feel good in and that matches the tone of the event you are throwing. Adding on a few great accessories can bring your outfit to the next level and help you to make a confident and positive impression.

Practice Good Hygiene

Your hygiene will also help you to feel confident and sure of yourself as you attend your big event. A bracing shower can get you ready for just about anything and taking time to pamper yourself will help you to build your self-esteem. Even simple things like the food you eat can help build your confidence. According to Murfreesboro Family Dentistry, certain foods such as onion and garlic can contribute to your bad breath. Avoiding those foods and things that might leave bits of green in your teeth can give you the chance to avoid feeling self-conscious.

Practice in the Mirror (and with Friends)

Whether you are getting married, giving a presentation, or even just want to be on your top socialization game, and according to Six Minutes, practicing can help. Everyone struggles to be in front of a group sometimes, so taking a little time to get in the habit can give you a boost. If you are giving a speech or presentation, practice it in full at least a couple of times so you are familiar with the wording and can make it through without any trouble.

Your event will go smoothly if you have the confidence to show up with a smile on your face. Taking the time to look and feel great before the event will go a long way towards helping you to feel more confident. If possible, bring a friend to your big event so you can have a supportive face to help you along the way.

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