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Health Problems Prolonged Screen Time Can Cause

Tired businesswoman taking off glasses, suffering from eye strain, dry eyes syndrome after long laptop use, massaging nose bridge, exhausted employee sitting at desk, health problem concept

In today’s increasingly digital world, so many of us spend prolonged hours staring at screens. While technology enables us to do more faster than ever before, prolonged screen time can lead to health problems. Some of those problems can grow to negatively impact you in other areas of life. Being aware of them is the first step in correcting them and minimizing their impact. Do you know what health problems to look out for?


There are a ton of different things that cause headaches. That can make it difficult to pin your headaches on prolonged screen time, but that can be a factor. 

When people stare at screens, they tend to angle their heads downwards. That puts a lot of stress on the muscles in the shoulders and upper back. The tension in the muscles can lead to headaches, especially if you are staring at a screen for too long.

Eye Issues

Have you ever worked a full eight-hour shift of practically non-stop computer use? If so, you’ve probably experienced some degree of eye dryness by the end of it, especially if that’s a typical day for you. People don’t blink as frequently when staring at screens, which compromises your eye’s ability to moisturize itself. 

Prescription eye drops can help stimulate tear production to manage dry eyes. You can also see if simply being more aware of your blinking is enough to provide your eyes with the water they need.

Sleep Deprivation

Digital screens emit blue light. Blue light can mess with your circadian rhythms, especially when it comes to your body’s natural melatonin production. If you aren’t producing enough melatonin because you’re engaging in too much screen time, you’re going to struggle to feel tired and fall asleep. Before long, you’ll start experiencing sleep deprivation. Stop using screens at least an hour before bed so your body can start to wind down and produce the melatonin it needs to sleep well at night. If that isn’t enough to help you sleep better at night, talk to your doctor and come up with a plan to get the sleep you need. It’s one of the best things you can do to protect your health.

Once you notice that you’re experiencing health problems that could be caused by prolonged screen time, it’s time to evaluate your habits as they pertain to your interactions with technology. You may also experience increased susceptibility to chronic health issues, a loss of cognitive ability, increased risk of obesity, impaired social skills, poorer emotional judgment, and lower self-esteem. There’s no doubt that screen time can be beneficial–just make sure you don’t overdo it and compromise your health.

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