Starting a business is no easy task. It takes a lot of time, energy, and money to get your business off the ground. While there are many different aspects of starting a business that requires your attention, one of the most important is your finances. Here are three financial moves you should make when starting your own business. By taking these steps, you will be in a better position to succeed!

Open a Business Bank Account

Whenever you start a new business, one of the first things you need to do is open a business bank account. This will help you to keep your personal and business finances separate, which is important for both tax and liability purposes. Additionally, a business bank account can help you to better manage your cash flow and track your expenses. When choosing a bank for your business, be sure to shop around and compare fees and services. 

You’ll also want to make sure that the bank has experience working with businesses in your industry. Once you’ve found the right fit, you can open an account and start building your business credit history. A strong credit history will help you qualify for loans and other forms of financing down the road.

Start a Retirement Plan

It’s never too early to start saving for retirement, and there are a variety of ways to do it. One option is to open a SEP-IRA. SEP-IRAs are easy to maintain for self-employed entrepreneurs. Additionally, they offer tax advantages that can help you save more for retirement. Another option is to invest in a traditional or Roth IRA. IRAs offer different tax benefits, but both can help you grow your retirement savings. 

You can also consider saving in a 401(k) or 403(b) plan. These plans are sponsored by employers, and they may offer matching contributions that can help you boost your savings. Whatever route you choose, the important thing is to start saving now so you can enjoy a comfortable retirement later.

Get Business Credit

To get business credit, one financial move you need to make is to get a business credit card. This will help you establish a credit history for your business, which is important for getting loans and other forms of financing in the future. Another financial move you need to make is to keep your personal and business finances separate. This means opening a bank account for your business and using it exclusively for business expenses. By keeping your finances separate, you’ll be able to better track your business expenses and income, which will be helpful when it comes time to file taxes. 


Finally, you need to make sure you pay your bills on time. This includes any loans you have taken out for your business, as well as any vendors or suppliers you use. By paying your bills on time, you’ll build a positive payment history that will give lenders confidence in your ability to repay a loan. By following these financial moves, you’ll be well on your way to securing the business credit you need to grow your business.


Starting a business is a grueling challenge that not every entrepreneur is built for. To let your business thrive, you need to make smart moves financially. Be sure you make these three financial moves when you start your business.

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