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Cassidy Lee

Cassidy is an educator, librarian, freelancer, but most importantly a worker in the kingdom of God. She is a bookworm that loves to travel, dance, create, is a voice actor, gamer, and enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
Developing a fondness for teaching while serving her community through diverse volunteer programs, Cassidy has worked in the field of education in various capacities for 14 years. Previously, she has served on leadership teams and overseen school-wide writing and literacy programs on multiple occasions at several schools’ sites for over five years. Cassidy serves youth and children’s ministry by teaching a class of 2nd graders and leading a small group/Bible study for young ladies. She was also a part of East Baton Rouge Parish School System’s first cohort of technology integration learning leaders and served as the director of a specialty resource library for educators for two years.
Her educational background includes A Master of Science in Library and Information Studies from Florida State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Liberal Arts from Southern University and A&M College. She holds certifications in 6th-12th grade English, language arts, and reading as well as library media. Currently, she is a doctoral student studying curriculum and instruction through the University of South Carolina’s distance education program.
She hopes her dedication will continue to meet the growing needs of educators and students.

LM: Tell me a little bit about yourself.
CL: I’m a bookworm who loves to travel, dance, and create. I also enjoy voice acting, gaming, and spending time with my family and friends.

LM: Tell us about your business.
CL: My business offers professional editing/freelance writing, book coaching, and consulting services. I help clients turn their ideas into creative, engaging content.


LM: What prompted you to start your business?
CL: My writing ministry grew from a desire to strengthen and empower others. I began my first blog, “Cross View,” in 2009 to reach my readership. I was experiencing an especially difficult year in 2018. I was in a place of needing to find peace as I healed. I wanted to help others who may have been taking a similar journey. I composed several blogs that I eventually combined into a devotional. In July 2020, I released the collection of writings as my first book, Finding Peace During the Healing Process: A 21-Day Devotional.

LM: Have you always aspired to be an entrepreneur? Why or why not?
CL: I’ve always aspired to be an entrepreneur. I remember watching my parents flip houses and invest in real estate. They would allow my sister and me to watch them close on houses, renovate, and interact with renters. It intrigued me and gave me my first insight into business.

LM: What’s the best part of being an entrepreneur?
CL: The best part of being an entrepreneur is the freedom. I’m thankful for the creativity it permits, which I wouldn’t otherwise have working for someone else.

LM: What’s the worst part of being an entrepreneur?
CL: One of the few cons I find in being an entrepreneur revolves around the number of hours I have to put in each week. As an entrepreneur, not only do you work ten times as hard, you are constantly on call, so to speak. For instance, I may have business hours, but the growth of my business doesn’t solely take place during those hours.

LM: Where do you see your business in 3 years?
CL: In the next three years, I see my business growing to the point of book coaching several clients through publishing their first books from start to finish. I see myself publishing my next five upcoming books as well.

LM: What advice would you give a new entrepreneur?
CL: “If no one else believes in me, I believe in me.” That is my mantra when it seems like I’m not making headway or garnering support from the people around me. Repeat it to yourself and remember you are your greatest investor. If you don’t invest in yourself, why should anyone else?

You can connect with Cassidy here:
Cassidy’s Facebook

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